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Linden Tea for Babies

The linden plant, which is a healing store with vitamins and minerals, is also protective and nourishing for children. In this article, you can learn about the use of infancy to childhood.

Infancy is the basic step for a healthy body that people will acquire throughout their lives. In this step, children who have adopted the habit of healthy eating by parents will continue to live as a healthy individual. The nutritional content of the main nutrients, as well as the miracles of nature to include plants in the natural ways of vitamins and minerals, is important in terms of recovery.

Lime has an important place in the nutrition of babies as well as adults. The countless benefits and almost harmless will be the right choice for your baby's health.

Can You Give Linden Tea to Baby

Linden has many useful properties for babies. Its antipyretic effect, its antiseptic, relieving properties, and nutritional values ​​are the answer to the question of whether babies are given linden. The use of linden after the third month is approved by most doctors. However, depending on possible side effects and development of the digestive system, the ideal period of use is from the sixth month. You should always consult your doctor before use and be informed of the dosage. The possibility of interaction should not be ignored if your baby has a birth or inherited disease. In addition, linden use is not recommended for common pollen allergies in infants.

Before giving your baby the amount recommended by your doctor, you should drink 1-2 teaspoons against the possibility of an allergic reaction. In allergic conditions, the body will react in a short period of time because the amount will not put the baby's health at risk. Special brewing will ensure that the nutritional values ​​of linden do not die.

Although linden tea is useful, it never replaces water. For this reason, even if you have linden tea, you should never forget to give water to your baby. If you are consuming linden during breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor before giving your baby linden.

 If you look at the benefits of linden tea for babies;

  • It has a positive effect on the digestive system and allows your baby's kidneys to function. It also prevents bloating after meals and prevents the formation of gas in your baby's digestion.
  • It regulates blood pressure and circulation and prevents the body from chilling.
  • It protects the immune system by preventing harmful bacteria and germs. It has an important effect in preventing diseases such as jaundice and hepatitis which may occur due to weak immunity.
  • It protects your baby from colds and prevents it from catching febrile diseases. It also has an antipyretic effect.
  • It softens the throat in dry cough and relaxes the respiratory tract.
  • Thanks to its antiseptic feature, it prevents the formation of wounds and aphthae in your baby's mouth. For minor injuries and scratches, you can dress your baby with cold linden.
  • You can also use linden tea as a tonic. You can nourish the skin regularly by wiping your baby's body and the dressing area with cooled tea and prevent the formation of diaper rash. With this mixture, your baby's skin will be fed and bacterial effect will be prevented in the genital area.
  • You can put the linden flowers in the water in a jug in the room where your baby lies. This way both the air of the room will change and the room will be free from germs.

Does Linden Make Babies Sleep

The relaxing and relaxing effect of linden tea is effective in correcting sleep problems in infants. You can add linden flowers to your baby's bath water for relaxation and easy sleep. Relaxed and regulated blood circulation baby body will fall asleep more comfortably.

You can also prepare this mixture in the baby bath. You can put your baby in this mixture for about 10 minutes to let it relax and relax.

The linden you drink as tea outside the bathroom will also help your baby sleep. A comfortable sleep will be inevitable when the negative effects that prevent your baby to sleep are eliminated with the help of the carminative and relaxing effect.
How to Prepare Linden for Babies
The water you prepare to infuse linden tea to your baby should not exceed 95 degrees. The water approaching the boiling point causes linden to lose its useful properties. This will not provide any benefit.

Fill the water in a jar at the specified temperature. Then add the linden leaves to the water. Close the jar tightly and allow to rest for about half an hour. You must filter the tea before you drink it to your baby. You should make sure that the filter you use will be porous and not permeable. You can give the linden tea to your baby.

You should give the tea prepared daily. Since the nutrients of the pending tea will disappear, brewing fresh every day is right for a more beneficial diet.