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Effect of Chamomile Tea on Blood Pressure

There is a widespread belief among the people based on the use of chamomile tea in increasing blood pressure. In addition, some literature and medicinal products and herbal product prescriptions have partial information on the blood pressure-lowering effect of chamomile. However, in studies approved by the World Health Organization (WHO), it has not been shown that daisy has hypo or hypertensive effects. Similarly, in practical studies, it has not been observed that daisy has a direct effect on blood pressure. Chamomile is also regarded as a plant that has a neutral effect against blood pressure by experts who carry out studies on plants.
However, stress, irritability, insomnia, and fatigue are also important factors in the formation of high blood pressure. The calming and calming effect of daisy also plays a role in reducing blood pressure indirectly, by affecting the sleep order, reducing irritability, anxiety, and stress. For this purpose, chamomile, which is included in many medicines and herbal food supplements, is used extensively as a component in blood pressure medications. This has played a role in spreading the misconception that daisy is an effective therapeutic for high blood pressure.
Daisy does not directly affect blood pressure reduction or elevation. However, health problems such as elevation and fall of blood pressure are generally a symptom that occurs due to one or more causes. Daisy has positive effects on many of these symptoms and thus indirectly contributes to the improvement of blood pressure.

Chamomile Tea Recipes for Hypertension

Although it does not directly affect the drop in blood pressure, the calming and calming effect of chamomile tea, heart rhythm regulating effect and vasodilation effect is an important function in the reduction of hypertension. One of the recipes that can be used against high blood pressure is the use of St. John's Wort and daisy.

St. John's Wort Tea
  • 50 grams of dried chamomile
  • St. John's Wort
  • honey
  • 500 ml of boiled water
  • gauze
  • A container with a lid that can hold 1 liter of water
  • 1 teaspoon
50 grams of St. John's wort and 50 grams of daisies are put into a bowl. Boiled water is then added and the lid is closed and brewed for at least 3 hours. After brewing, it becomes ready for consumption by filtration. Every night before sleep, mixed with a teaspoon of honey, drinking 50 ml is good for complaints of high blood pressure.
The prepared mixture should be consumed within a maximum of 3 days. The unconsumed part must be re-brewed without using it. After this cure is applied for a week, at least 1 week should be interrupted. In case of high blood pressure and other conditions, continuous medication is used, you should definitely apply this cure in consultation with your doctor. It should be noted that there are good chamomile and centaury herb.

Dry Mint and Chamomile Tea
For a cup;
  • Dried chamomile
  • Mint (dry or fresh)
  • Optional lemon, honey or dried apples
  • One cup
  • One teaspoon
  • Apparatus for draining
To prepare a cup, put a teaspoon of mint and 1 teaspoon into a bowl. A glass of boiled water is added and brewed for 15 minutes with closed or covered. After brewing, it is ready to drink by filtration. During the consumption of lemon, sweetened with honey or dried apples are consumed. It is consumed once a day and it is recommended to brew fresh each time.

Valerian Root and Chamomile Tea with Cumin
  • 6 piece chamomile flower
  • 4 pieces of cat grass root
  • 1 teaspoon of cumin
  • 100 ml of boiled water
  • 250 ml container
  • Apparatus for draining
You must add all the ingredients into a container and add 100 ml of boiled water. cover the container and infuse for 1 hour. The prepared mixture should be consumed by dividing into two in the morning and evening. It must be re-brewed and consumed fresh every day. If it tastes bad, you can reduce the amount of cumin and get a better taste. However, no sweeteners should be added.